Released: Module One Productive Time Management

Before we even begin, we’ll get started on the right track. Chances are you’ve enrolled in a handful of courses, more than likely didn’t get much out of them, and why? Because you didn’t have the time. So, before we even begin, we’ll start here. We will create room in your day for you to complete this course, strategically work on your business, and even prioritize your work and life balance.

To access the video for this week, you can watch it here within the membership area, or follow this link on YouTube:

You’ll also learn how to:

  • Plan your time more effectively, so you can get everything you need to do, done.
  • Create a schedule that works FOR you, not against you.
  • Build in essential down-time, to revitalize yourself.
  • Manage unexpected crises so they don’t derail your day
  • Make your time your priority, so you don’t get caught up in everyone else’s chaos.

Module One- Productive Time Management Strategy Guide.pdf
Michelle Ellis - Time Management For Coaches.pdf
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